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The work party was hard ……

We arrived at the lake to a lot more work than expected , there was a tree down half way across the lake and the water height was 3 foot higher than it’s meant to be , we set to work digging a new overflow out and the levels are almost now where they should be , the tree has been removed , the track has been stoned up and is now much more user friendly , and the swims have been put back in order after the platforms floated off down the lake , the paths are still a bit turned up and we expect them to be for a few weeks yet but should dry out pretty soon !

The fish are slowly waking up, the work party lads had a handful of fish fishing nights only !

The first group out this year are on 8-9 fish already !

We still have limited availability so why don't you have a look and get yourself a pb on your French trip or a anglers holiday.

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